UPDATE: 28 year old man has been freed from the cave!

UPDATE: Members of the 711 emergency rescue squad have arrived by helicopter at the scene. The man is now trapped behind a narrow opening in the cave, but is alive.

UPDATE: At around 2 pm the man trapped in a cave (EDIT) reports say he is still in there.
Battambang: The was a surprise on the morning of 7 August 2019, after a man was found trapped in a cave. He had fallen into the gap between rocks 4 days ago and had been without food or water.
According to a witness near the scene, the victim was named Bo Bora, 28, of Teuk Thla village. Sampov District, Battambang Province, who had climbed into the Hong Nam cave in Phnom Prek district,
The man had reportedly been gathering bat guano in the cave complex.
The authorities were only informed on the night of August 6, 2019, that the man was missing and are now attempting a rescue.
Update: As of 11 am, he remains trapped.

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