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Archived News

Foreign Beggars Picked Up In Phnom Penh


Phnom Penh: The Office of Investigation, and Implementation of the Immigration Action Plan of the Phnom Penh Police Commissariat together with the police force of Daun Penh, went down to river front near the Royal Palace after receiving complaints.

A total of 4 foreigners from 3 nationalities who had no passports were detained. They had been begging for money from other foreigners around the palace and riverfront, with no place to stay and were sleeping rough.

The four foreigners include: 1. MANFRED BUSCH, 58, German, 2.
WOLFGANG LOEHR, a 70 year old German, 3. ROMAN ANTHENG CHEDEVJES, a Dutch male and 4. JEONG GYU DONG, (maybe Korean?) male, 48 years old.

Currently, the four have been sent to the Immigration Department to carry out the proceedings of the law.

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