Census Results Show Population Over 15 Million

Results of the 2019 census show that Cambodia has a total population of 15.2 million. Following the census results, HE Sa Kheng, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, expressed his wish to see Cambodia with more than 30 million people.

During a ceremony at a pagoda in Prey Veng province on Saturday, July 13, 2019, Samdech Kraing Kheng stated Cambodia could grow to at least 30 million people, and encourages families to have three or five children.

Please note that the census took place over 11 days from 03rd to 13th March 2019.

The General Census of the Cambodian people is very important and is the only source that can provide complete and accurate data of actual living conditions of people across the country. https://www.swiftnewsdaily.com/articles/366805

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