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Beaten Mistress Files Complaint Against Ministry Director


Phnom Penh: After seeing widely shared Facebook posts from an online seller called Thair Sreyneang, the Rapid Response Team of the Phnom Penh Police Commissariat cooperated with the Boeung Kak 1 Police Station, Toul Kork, to contact the victim for inquiries.

Police say that because the victim was too tired to leave home to file a complaint, so they visited her home in Boeung Kak I commune, Toul Kork.

Mr. Tim Savuth, Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Phnom Penh, was accused of beating his mistress, causing serious injuries.

The allegations came from posts made by social media name “Thais Srey Neang Sells Products” on July 7, 2019.

Police have now received an official complaint and will work to the correct procedures.

Thai Srey Neang alledges Tim Savuth, deputy director of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Phnom Penh, beat her 130 times in the past, due to his jealousy. This time he scratched her face and threw her down, banging her head on the corner of her bed.

Mr. Tim Savuth, Deputy Director of Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Phnom Penh, has so far been unavailable for comment.

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