Preah Sihanouk Province: New Governor Kouch Chamroeun continues to order provincial and local officials to resume restoration of the streams and drainage canals in Sangkat 4, Sihanouk to allow the flow of floodwaters after the monsoon.
Sihanoukville administration officials in charge of the drainage and drainage system said that Sihanoukville has flooded every day with heavy rains. The flood official said today that it is not the first time in Sihanoukville, and that this flood was caused by the blockage of streams and canal drainage, most of which were narrowed due to the construction of buildings and rubbish.
According to officials, the provincial governor has been working on a series of remedies, using technical measures and threats to use legal measures against those who illegally block the flow of rain water.
Administration officials in Preah Sihanouk province believe that byrepairing irrigation canals and the construction of underground water drainage systems will prevent flooding in the fute.

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