Kratie: On June 26, 2019, at 12:00 pm, a badly burned body was found on a bonfire on a plot of land in Snoul District, Kratie Province.
A motorbike was also burned next to the victim, which were in a rubber plantation about 100 meters from the road.
The victim, 23-year-old Khom Seth, 23 is from the area and a known drug user.
According to reports, the victim asked for 2,000 riels to cut wood in the rubber plantation, and rode his motorbike there at about 10:00 am. At 12:00 pm, a rubber plantation worker found the dead body and reported to the police immediately and the police force approached the scene.
Nowadays, skilled workers have blocked the site to wait for the province’s experts to investigate the case and the 3 Cambodia beer cans left at the scene.
More details will be announced following the police report.
WARNING: Graphic images in source link.

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