Oddar Meanchey: Dengue fever is raging in Oddar Meanchey province, said the Director of Health Department of Oddar Meanchey province on 17 June 2019.
Dr Khour Huot said that because of the dengue epidemic, the department has cooperated with provincial hospital directors to make sure that all people in the province recognise the disease and be very careful.
According to the brief report of Ouk Sombum, the head of the hospital in Oddar Meanchey province, so far 108 children have been admitted to the hospital, and the number of patients who were subsequently diagnosed with Dengue is 70 percent.
He said that in other cases, doctors are waiting for the results to come from the lab. The number of beds for children is not enough, and are still looking for places to treat them. The disease is expected to spread further and hospital staff are worried about where the children treated.
Parents and guardians are asked to pay attention to the environment around their home by cleaning the space surrounding houses to kill mosquitoes and habitats in waste water.
On top of the dengue problem, there are many other diseases that are happening and are also being treated in the provincial hospital.
Dengue is also causing problems in Ratanakiri and Koh Kong.