Kandal: Five men were arrested after the death of a KTV worker on June 16, 2019 at 1.30 am. The girl died in a room at the karaoke/BBQ place Mei Mei (or Mimi) in Leuk Dak district, Kandal province.
Three others were taken to hospital. Ek Chakry, a 19-year-old female died, Sorn Srey Neang, 26, suffered severe acute respiratory illness, Ra Samnang, 21, and an 18 year old named Sam Samphos were taken to hospital.
Five suspects:
1. Tim Vathan: 39
2. Chan Vannak, 35 years old
3. Keo Vathan: Pon 27
Are all international border gate police officers.
4. Vann Chivorn Male, 29, unknown occupation. (all 4 arrested)
5. Vanna, male, 29 years old, taxi driver who managed to escape.
The men aparrently mixed some unknown chemical drug (*possibly GHB or similar) into the KTV girls drinks and forced them to drink it.
Shortly after the victim collapsed and died. The police were called and several unknown tablets, white powder and a bottle of suspicious liquid was taken away for further investigation.

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