ChinChinBay doing more good deeds in the Kingdom

On the 5th of June, 2019 (the Cambodian e-marketer) travelled with the Director of the Pediatric Hospital of Phnom Penh, Prof Dr. Vuthy Chhoeurn, with the goal of donating 150 care packages to children in Mondulkiri.

The project donated 150 hygiene bags consisting of nail clippers, towels, toothpaste and toothbrushes for 150 poor children at the Children Operation Mission in Mondulkiri.  This venture took place from the 5th of June to the 8th.  The Donation of these 150 Hygiene bags comes from a German music band still based in Germany, named Black Velvet which plays live Country music. They played one free show to raise the money for this big donation to communities in Cambodia.  ChinChinBay would like to thank Black Velvet for their wonderful contribution.

This project was implemented by the ChinChinBay directors, Bettina and Stephan. Stephan from Chinchinbay says in an interview: “We are really happy that we again can support another children operation mission with Prof Dr. Vuthy Chhoeurn and the NGO, Next Step. These hygiene bags are really important for the poor children.  It’s important for them to have a minimum quality of cleanliness before and after their operations.  Most families travel a long way and haven’t any money to buy these items for general hygiene.  ChinChinBay is very grateful for this great support from overseas. Our aim is to supply specialty support for the Children’s Pediatric Hospital in Phnom Penh and the poorer people in the provinces. ChinChinBay relies on the help of others, through donations, or helping to facilitate the projects.  As an example, sometimes it helps to merely have donations of toothbrushes or Toothpaste.”

This year, Next Step wants to expand its operations in Mondulkiri through June of 2019 and beyond.

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