Phnom Penh: On the morning of June 7, 2019, the Criminal Offices of the Criminal Division of the Ministry of Interior sent an American named
Abdurrahman Us’sutteri, known as Abou Ramen/Abdul Sutteri, 30, to Phnom Penh Municipal Court in connection with the case of illegal possession of firearms.
A 32-year-old Chinese woman, Li Pei Xian, girlfriend of the suspect and Phoeun Saray, a male Cambodian, a military officer are reported to have been released and the two were not involved in the crime.
Following the arrest of the American suspect, authorities confiscated and showed 9 modern firearms and ammunition to the court.
The suspect was detained by police on June 3, 2019 at # 20, Street 97 Sangkat Phsar Deum Thkov, Khan Chamkar Morn, Phnom Penh.
*Photos appear to show this address is for Mysa Solutions, a technology company that says on it’s Facebook page.
WE are an international company freshly filled with enthusiasm that joint Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and Cambodia. Results of the cross-cultural experience and background, we encompass four distinctive yet unique characters. MYSA Solutions started as an sole IT support start-up company, mainly to work on IT maintenance for client’s existing website and domains. Slowly, we are now have a full support team and development team to work on front-end office & back-end office. We tailor made your front-end & back-end office based on your requirements and products. At the same time, we provide marketing and branding strategy to enhance and increase your market value.
It is also believed that the American man is active in a cross-border arms network, with a team that imports and sells weapons to criminal elements.
A man with the name Abdul Sutteri appears to have been involved with this company,

Following the crackdown in Phnom Penh, sources in Siem Reap said that Siem Reap police also arrested three Cambodians in connection with the case.

This man has worked for the German fraudster: Claus Clemens and former employees threatened. You wrote about it, the man can also be seen on the video hitting a former employee. The contribution was broadcasted by the German Spiegel-TV on 15.04. The fraud: Claus Martin Paul Clemens, who stole over 4.5 million and hired such criminals, is still on the loose. This is a big Mafia-Ring.
Ja, dieser Abdul steht mit Claus Martin Paul Clemens in Verbindung und hat mit ihm zusammen gearbeitet. Über den Betrug von Claus Martin Paul Clemens wurde erst vor kurzem von Ihnen berichtet, über 4.5 Millionen hat er ergaunert gemeinsam mit diesem Abdul.
First, Abdul was hired by Claus Clemens for IT, then to threaten annoying former support staff. Employees who wanted to uncover the millionaire fraud of Claus Clemens Claus Clemrns commits to his investors. Hundreds of old people in Europe who hoped to supplement their small pension from which they can not live with the PIC. Unfortunately, Clemens did not invest this money but spent it and kept it in his accounts so that it was easy for Abdul to steal a lot of money from PIC investors
Dieser Abdul wurde von Claus Martin Paul Clemens angeheuert, um andere einzuschüchtern, zu erpressen und auch umzubringen. Millionen von Geldern wurden von dem Gauner und Mafiaboss Claus Martin Paul Clemens eingesammelt und veruntreut, Tausende Kunden wurden abgezockt und hinter das Licht geführt. Deutsche Medien haben bereits im April 2019 darüber berichtet. Dieser schwer kriminelle Mann, welcher sich zur Zeit in Kambodscha aufhält, ist ein Lügner und Betrüger, auch er muss in den Knast damit er keinem Menschen mehr schaden kann.
This Abdul was hired by Mr. Claus Clemens and introduced to us members as IT staff. Both gentlemen worked very closely together for a while. Mr. Claus Clemens cheated us members out of large sums of money. He did not – as promised – invest all our paid-in money profitably, but enriched himself personally by it and spent all money only for his private things.
A Man named Claus Martin Paul Clemens(Hometown Berlin) and his wife Chanty Rem living in Cambodia , has constructed with his company PIC (Pension International Club) a highly profitable Ponzi system, and far over 1000 members (mostly older people) shamelessly pulled over the table.Mr. Clemens has opend up in the USA and England several front companies (Faked Adresses), to convince every investor that his Companys follow legal Actions,alone on this case you can see his criminal energy of this unscrupulous couple. 3.5-4,5 mio.€ is the Financial damage which has accrued by this Financial Fraud. Many of these victims live now at the subsistence minimum.Furthermore he had helpers on his payroll, like his Sales Director Mr.Ziehm ,who also lives near his Boss in Cambodia. Not to forget are other big crimes of Mr.Clemens, because all this has been exposed by 2 former honest Employees (who dont have the intention to get involved) ), there is still serious bodily injury, kidnapping, incitement to murder (by criminal structures ,Ganges), bribery of officials in authorities and police in addition, and some more. Therefore, these high Criminals must be brought as quickly as possible to theire deserved Punishment, before the Damage becomes even greater.
I and my wife also belong to the victims of the Fraud, with a higher sum of money (Invest).
please email [email protected]
Abdul Sutteri spent a few months in 2018 programming for Claus Martin Clemens, the initiator of Penstion International Club (PIC). He was paid very well for this. I myself got to know both gentlemen during my visit in November 2018. Abdul Sutteri is a junkie and consumes a lot of drugs a day!
Claus Martin Clemens turned out to have lied and cheated thousands of investors in Germany – usually many older people – and pulled the money out of their pockets and used it for his elaborate lifestyle. I can only ask the Cambodian judiciary to arrest this person and bring him to justice.
Claus Martin Clemens not only damaged the reputation of my homeland Germany through his actions, but also abused the hospitality of the Cambodian people.
I hereby call on the Cambodian judiciary to arrest the German citizen Claus Martin Clemens immediately so that he can do no further damage and cannot further damage the reputation of Cambodia in the world.
in deutsch:
Abdul Sutteri war im Jahr 2018 ein paar Monate als Programmier für Claus Martin Clemens, dem Initiator von Penstion International Club (PIC) , tätig. Dafür wurde er u.a. sehr gut bezahlt. Ich selbst konnte beide Herren bei meinem Besuch im November 2018 kennen lernen. Abdul Sutteri ist ein Junky und verkonsumiert jede Menge Drogen am Tag!
Claus Martin Clemens hat, wie sich herausgestellt hat, tausende von Anlegern in Deutschland – in der Regel viele Ältere Menschen – belogen und betrogen – und ihnen das Geld aus der Tasche gezogen und für seinen aufwendigen Lebensstil verbraucht. Ich kann die kambodschanische Justiz nur bitten, diesen Menschen zu verhaften und seiner gerechten Strafe zuzuführen.
Claus Martin Clemens hat nicht nur das Ansehen meiner Heimat Deutschland durch sein Handeln beschädigt, sondern auch die Gastfreundschaft des kambodschaniches Volkes missbraucht.
Ich fordere hiermit die kambodschanische Justiz auf, den deutschen staatangehörigen Claus Martin Clemens umgehend zu verhaften, damit er keinen weiteren Schaden anrichten und das Ansehen von Kambodscha in der Welt nicht weiter beschädigen kann
Da der kriminelle Herr Claus Martin Paul Clemens diese Kommentare hier gegen ihn verfolgt, welche alle der Wahrheit entsprechen, bittet er nun seine Jünger, die noch zu ihm halten, hier bitte positive Kommentare rein zu stellen, um ihn von den Vorwürfen zu entlasten. Somit wird wieder ersichtlich, welch perfides Spiel er hier spielt. Dieser kriminelle Verbrecher muss so schnell wie möglich verhaftet werden, damit er nicht noch größeren Schaden anstellen kann! Ich appeliere hiermit an die Justiz, hier umgehend und mit allen Mitteln zu handeln. Herr Claus Martin Paul Clemens ist ein Schwerverbrecher und geht über Leichen.
You said you was visit in November 2018. What is your name ? But i think you work with JS and ADM Who make a plan to kill Mr. Clemens and him wife. I can see you in youbute with Alexander try to black mail Mr. Clemens.
The commenter here believe what **** said But this team they work together with Abdurrahman. Mr. JS is a boss of the team. About Speigel TV they not come to ask or look . No this TV come with no date and in the time Mr. Clemens and him wife not at home And this TV facke the news . why ? becuase want get interested from the people. So a lier TV. I cant believe that is a germen’ TV .
All like know the truth can call Spiegel TV, the Reporter was David Walden, he tried many times to contact you mr Claus Clemens, they mailed you, they called you, the reportage is from 15.04, everyone can see, they call with you.
Die Ignoranz dieser Chenda ist erstaunlich – einen Betrüger wie Claus Clemens schützen zu wollen, indem man unbehelligte Menschen eines Verbrechens bezichtigt, welches Claus Clemens selbst verübt hat, gehört in meinen Augen ebenso verfolgt, wie Claus Clemens selbst!!!
Claus Clemens zockte tausende von Menschen in allen Teilen der Welt ab, indem er ihnen versprach eine lebenslange Rente auszuzahlen. Stattdessen hat er die Leute gnadenlos über den Tisch gezogen und ihnen buchstäblich das letzte Hemd ausgezogen! Die meisten von Ihnen können sich nun nicht einmal mehr das tägliche Leben leisten! Zusätzlich heuerte Claus Clemens eine Killerbande an, die die Leute umbringen und aus dem Weg räumen sollte, welche den Anlegern Hilfe im Kampf gegen diesen miesen Verbrecher anboten und alles daran setzen, dass Claus Clemens seiner mehr wie gerechten Strafe zugeführt wird! Wer weiterhin den Kopf in den Sand steckt und glaubt dass Claus Clemens irgendwelche Gelder aus dem Hut zaubern wird, um ihnen ein schönes Leben zu finanzieren, der gehört wegen Mittäterschaft genauso angeklagt! Claus Clemens ist nicht nur ein Betrüger in kleinem Stil, sondern auch ein Wirschaftskrimineller, der allein durch Gegenrede versucht seine Haut zu retten! Er kann weder greifbare Beweise vorlegen noch kann er irgendwelche Gelder auszahlen. Die Gelder wurden zu keiner Zeit angelegt, sondern von ihm in Saus und Braus ausgegeben!
Für die letzten dummtreuen Gefährten, die ihm den Rücken stärken und an seine unheiligen Worte glauben: Fangt endlich an aufzuwachen, bevor er euch mit in SEIN Verderben reisst!!! Claus Clemens gehört hinter Gitter und ich fordere Kambodscha auf, diesen Verbrecher seiner gerechten Strafe zuzuführen, um weiteres Unheil abzuwenden!
Anstiftung zum Mord ist kein Kavaliersdelikt!!!!!
The ignorance of this Chenda is amazing – trying to protect an imposter like Claus Clemens, by accusing undisturbed people of a crime that Claus Clemens himself committed, belongs in my eyes just as persecuted as Claus Clemens himself !!!
Claus Clemens hijacked thousands of people around the world by promising to pay a lifetime pension. Instead, he has mercilessly pulled people over the table and literally taken off their last shirt!
Most of you can not even afford your daily life anymore! In addition, Claus Clemens hired a killer gang to kill and eliminate the people who offered help to the investors in the fight against this lousy criminal and do everything in his power to bring Claus Clemens to his more than just punishment!
If you continue to poke your head in the sand and believe that Claus Clemens will raise any money to finance a nice life, you are just as accused of complicity!
Claus Clemens is not only a cheater in a small style, but also a criminal, who tries to save his skin only by objection! He can not provide tangible evidence nor can he pay any monies. The money was invested at no time, but spent by him in the lap of luxury!
For the last stupid companions who strengthen his back and believe in his unholy words: Start to wake up before he tears you into his ruin !!! Claus Clemens is behind bars and I call on Cambodia to bring this criminal to justice in order to avert further mischief!
Incitement to murder is not a trivial offense !!!
Correction! Against Spiegel TV is already running the injunction action, because of false representation, slander, nebulous defamation, etc.
Before I now file lawsuits against the same crimes, namely**** with subsequent claims for damages, I would like to point out that the posts done here contradict every reality and are based only on hearing legends.
Allegedly, investigations are underway in Cambodia, England, USA, Austria, Switzerland and other countries against the PIC, my wife and myself. That is just a lie!
Rather, I have initiated proceedings against Spiegel TV, *** and others through our lawyers.
I will not report on the results of the investigation here.
I find it only very strange that **** escape the local investigating authorities by leaving the country and allegedly fleeing to Germany and Austria.
In addition, I find it even more odd that these “honourable gentlemen” do not speak here, but send others ahead to comment here, after they have “influenced” what is to be commented on. Always stay in the background! According to the motto: We send the soldiers to war!
und in Deutsch:
Richtigstellung! Gegen Spiegel TV laeuft bereits die Unterlassungsklage, wegen falscher Darstellung, Rufmord, uebler Nachrede usw.
Bevor ich jetzt Klagen einreiche wegen derselben Delikte, gegen namentlich *** mit darauf folgenden Schadenersatzklagen, weise ich darauf hin, dass die hier getaetigten posts jeder Realitaet widersprechen und nur auf Hoerensagen basieren.
Angeblich laufen Ermittlungsverfahren in Kambodscha, England, USA, Oesterreich, der Schweiz und anderer Laender gegen den PIC, meine Frau und mich. Das ist einfach nur eine Luege!
Vielmehr habe ich ueber unsere Anwaelte Verfahren eingeleitet gegen Spiegel TV, **
Ueber die Ermittlungsergebnisse werde ich hier nicht berichten.
Ich finde es nur sehr merkwuerdig, dass sich die Herrn A*** den hiesigen Ermittlungsbehoerden dadurch entziehen, dass sie das Land verlassen haben und angeblich nach Deutschland und Oesterreich gefluechtet sind.
Zusaetzlich finde ich es noch merkwuerdiger, dass diese “ehrenwerten Herren” sich hier nicht zu Wort melden, sondern andere voran schicken, um hier zu kommentieren, nachdem sie das zu Kommentierende “eingefluestert” haben. Immer schoen im Hintergrund bleiben! Nach dem Motto: Wir schicken die Soldaten in den Krieg!
Why do you think we don’t have an opinion of our own and we have to be sent forward? We are all adults, the way you act here as a professional asset manager is simply ridiculous. Simply frightening How you write about people who have entrusted their money to you. With our money you are now attacking lawyers against people like Spiegel TV who help us victims. You send your wife forward, who also lie to you, her criminal energy is infinite. The people you have lied to Mr. Clemens only want justice. We are independent individuals who think and act independently. They always distract with accusations of themselves and their fraud, rather give information about why we do not get our money back or where they have invested it, except in your 3 villas they have built or their luxury vehicles.
Warum glauben Sie hätten wir keine eigene Meinung und man müsste uns vorschicken? Wir sind doch alles erwachsene, wie Sie hier agieren als professioneller Vermögensverwalter ist einfach lächerlich. Einfach erschreckend Wie Sie über leute schreiben die Ihnen Ihr Geld anvertraut haben. Mit unserem Geld angergieren Sie jetzt Anwälte gegen Leute wie Spiegel TV die uns Opfern helfen. Sie schicken Ihre Frau vor, die sie ebenfalls belügen, ihre Kriminelle Energie ist unendlich. Die Menschen die Sie belogen haben Herr Clemens wollen lediglich gerechtigkeit. Wir sind eigenständige individuen die selbstständig denken und handeln. Sie lenken immer mit anschuldigungen von sich und Ihrem Betrug ab, geben Sie lieber auskunft darüber warum wir unser Geld nicht zurück bekommen oder wo sie es angelegt haben, ausser in Ihren 3 Villen die sie sich bauen haben lassen oder ihren Luxus Fahrzeugen.
Herr Clemens behauptet es sei nicht wahr daß Polizei und Staatsanwaltschaft gegen ihn ermitteln!!
Sie können gerne folgende Herren beim LKA Berlin kontaktieren:
Herr Krüger
Herr Klingbeil
Aktenzeichen der Staatsanwaltschaft Berlin
Mr Clemens claims that it is not true that the police and prosecutors are investigating him !!
You are welcome to contact the following gentlemen at the LKA Berlin:
Mr. Krüger
Mr. Klingbeil
File number of the prosecutor’s office Berlin
Herr Claus Martin Paul CLEMENS könnte doch einfach die Gelder seiner Anleger ausbezahlen, wenn alles was er behauptet stimmen würde!!
Aber er hat unsere angelegten Gelder zweckentfremdet und in die eigene Tasche gesteckt bzw. für Luxus in seinem eigenen Leben ausgegeben. Er hat vom Geld der Anleger auf den Namen seiner Frau Chanty Land gekauft und Häuser gebaut!
Also ist er ein Betrüger und ein Dieb, außerdem hat er ehemalige Mitarbeiter die das bemerkt hatten bedroht, und Entführungs- und Mordaufträge an Gangster wie Abdul gegeben.
Er gehört ins Gefängnis für den Rest seines Lebens denn er hat sehr viele alte Menschen in den Ruin getrieben.
Er war NIE ein Banker!!
Jeder sollte ihn anzeigen, der sein Geld nicht zurück bekommen hat!!
Englisch by Google
Mr. Claus Martin Paul CLEMENS could simply pay off the money of his investors, if all he claims to be true !!
But he misused our money and put it in his own pocket or spent it on luxury in his own life. He has bought money from investors in the name of his wife Chanty Land and built houses!
So he’s a scammer and a thief, he also threatened former employees who had noticed that, and kidnapped and murdered gangsters like Abdul.
He is in jail for the rest of his life because he has driven many old people to ruin.
He was NEVER a banker !!
Everyone should show him who did not get his money back!!
Nehme mal an CB (immer schoen hinterruecks und bloss nicht seinen vollen Namen nutzen!)
Take CB (always nice backwards and just don’t use his full name!)
Dear Grandma Claudia
what is your profite? why you want distoy Mr. Clemens and PIC ?
No one like destroy anywhere, we only like the truth come outside, mr clemens is such a criminal and now he write with the name chenda, because ha scared the police. But when the police work correctly they find the connection between mr clemens and mr abdul u sutteri.
Dear Sabrina
Chenda is Chenda and Mr. Clemens is Mr. Clemens. This is two people. you can not see what is difference. how can you talk bad about the other people? you do not trust yourself with what you make. but you trust joe one of the Mafia boss. his just only use the member to distroy Mr. Clemens and PIC. and if you are a person really like the true, you will not write so bad about the other people.
Its unbelievable, the german Cheater Claus Clemens post her as Chenda, yesterday he ask a lot of people, plesae can you write for me here in this chat, i scare the police would also act against me. All your victims only like that the police find the connection and see this amazing criminal energy from Claus Martin Paul Clemens. The Victims writing here, before you steal more than 4 millions from them and now you acting here so disrespecting against them.
Mr. JS (Joe) the boss of the Mafia. And the hacker. Mr. Clemens is not a snake like you (Joe). You are snake of the snake. The biggest criminal JS call joe work together with Abdurrahman.
You believe your husband, you see soon who is the criminal, im book writer and software engineer, this is what your Husband told you, call he German Police, Mr Krueger from the LKA he told you the Truth about your husband. Mr Abdul U Sutteri was hired from your Husband, you know this,he worked for him. You can write more lies, the police find it out, because Mr Sutteri make speech recordings from your husband, they look all the Accounts and they know the truth. The Contact from the German Police You and your husband cannot longer lie to the cambodian police, the German Police would told them all and also Mr U Sutteri and the speech recordings from your husband. Now you and your husband are very hectically, writing more lies about people, but Buddha knows and i hope also soon the police. Please open your heart and think from the 1000 of people your husband has cheated.
Miss Chanthy is ashamed of herself! To write about someone they don’t know just because they believe their lying and stealthy husband. He will drag them into the swamp, this man has no conscience. His life consists only of lies and cheating. That they write so badly about a man whom your husband has threatened several times, only because he speaks the truth and has helped the victims to organize themselves. You are the last one, I appeal to your intellect, ask the German authorities about your husband, when he is on trial, he will not take them into consideration, just think about it.
Mr. Claus Martin Paul Clemens, has at least cheated more than 1500 people. With his promises of concrete payments to pay a monthly pension a lifetime. But he does not pay and has embezzled the funds. He is a big cheater. For this big scam he also has the help of his assistants Mr Jochen Ziehm and his wife Chanty Ren, who helped to keep the scams going. Even me and my wife became cheated like several thousands of people. He has registered several company addresses in the USA, England and Germany as dummy companies. The addresses are used only as dummy companies, or as letterbox companies. To deliberately deceive the authorities and investors. The aim here was to carry out tax fraud and money laundering on a grand scale. He has deposited the stolen money of around 5-6 million euros in various countries at various banks. There is no doubt about his criminal energies, he has several employees who have noticed his deceit and turned his back on him, through various criminals he hired these people tried to kill, including the current arrested Abdul hired. He specifically wanted to pull AM and J S and their relatives out of circulation and threatened them with death. Here to keep his scam secret, so that he can continue his fraud without detection. Since all means are right for him. He did not pay taxes in any country, and deceived all authorities. That’s why I and my wife have filed criminal charges against these people in Germany and Cambodia. For fraud, document forgery, tax fraud, misleading the authorities. etc. We have the Ministries of Interior, Foreign Ministries, the BKA, FBI, all consulates. informed about this scam. We hope that all these authorities put an end to the scam.
Mr. Claus Martin Paul Clemens, has at least cheated more than 1500 people. With his promises of concrete payments to pay a monthly pension a lifetime. But he does not pay and has embezzled the funds. He is a big cheater. For this big scam he also has the help of his assistants Mr Jochen Ziehm and his wife Chanty Ren, who helped to keep the scams going. Even me and my wife became cheated like several thousands of people. He has registered several company addresses in the USA, England and Germany as dummy companies. The addresses are used only as dummy companies, or as letterbox companies. To deliberately deceive the authorities and investors. The aim here was to carry out tax fraud and money laundering on a grand scale. He has deposited the stolen money of around 5-6 million euros in various countries at various banks. There is no doubt about his criminal energies, he has several employees who have noticed his deceit and turned his back on him, through various criminals he hired these people tried to kill, including the current arrested Abdul hired. He specifically wanted to pull AM and JS and their relatives out of circulation and threatened them with death. Here to keep his scam secret, so that he can continue his fraud without detection. Since all means are right for him. He did not pay taxes in any country, and deceived all authorities. That’s why I and my wife have filed criminal charges against these people in Germany and Cambodia. For fraud, document forgery, tax fraud, misleading the authorities. etc. We have the Ministries of Interior, Foreign Ministries, the BKA, FBI, all consulates. informed about this scam. We hope that all these authorities put an end to the scam.
Herr Claus Martin Paul Clemens, hat mindestens mehr als 1500 Menschen betrogen. Mit seinem Versprechen von konkreten Zahlungen, eine monatliche Rente ein Leben lang zu zahlen. Aber er zahlt nicht und hat das Geld unterschlagen. Er ist ein großer Betrüger. Für diesen großen Betrug hat er auch die Hilfe seiner Assistenten Jochen Ziehm und seiner Frau Chanty Ren, die geholfen haben, die Betrügereien am Laufen zu halten. Sogar ich und meine Frau wurden betrogen wie mehrere tausend Menschen. Er hat mehrere Firmenadressen in den USA, England und Deutschland als Scheinfirmen registriert. Die Adressen werden nur als Scheinfirmen oder als Briefkastenfirmen verwendet. Die Behörden und Investoren absichtlich zu täuschen. Ziel war es, Steuerbetrug und Geldwäsche im großen Stil zu betreiben. Das gestohlene Geld von rund 5-6 Millionen Euro hat er in verschiedenen Ländern bei verschiedenen Banken hinterlegt. Es besteht kein Zweifel an seiner kriminellen Energie, er hat mehrere Angestellte, die seine Täuschung bemerkt haben und ihm den Rücken gekehrt haben, durch verschiedene Kriminelle hat er diese Menschen angeheuert, die versucht haben zu töten, einschließlich des aktuell verhafteten Abdul, der angeheuert wurde. Er wollte Alexander Matheisen und Joe Schwabl und ihre Angehörigen ausdrücklich aus dem Verkehr ziehen und drohte ihnen mit dem Tod. Hier, um seinen Betrug geheim zu halten, damit er seinen Betrug ohne Aufdeckung fortsetzen kann. Da sind alle Mittel für ihn richtig. Er zahlte in keinem Land Steuern und täuschte alle Behörden. Deshalb haben ich und meine Frau in Deutschland und Kambodscha Strafanzeige gegen diese Personen erstattet. Für Betrug, Urkundenfälschung, Steuerbetrug, Irreführung der Behörden. usw. Wir haben die Innenministerien, Außenministerien, das BKA, das FBI, alle Konsulate. über diesen Betrug informiert.
A snake JS or joe. you can fake with everything. and you know yourself. your plan is to kill me and my husband. You speak like you are a buddha but a fake buddha you are. you are a snake and bad of the bad.
Dear Lady and Gentlemen
I am here to talk about what is the true. i know you will not believe what i said because I am Mr. Clemens’s wife. but it can not be that a snake like JS can come and distroy everything. i can only tell you that JS work together with Abdurrahman and his plan to kill me and my husband. and his can fake with everything what his want fake. again, what i can tell you is we make everything by law.
Miss Chanthy, you can believe me, a Lot of the people you and your Husband has cheated are very sad and angry, but No one tries to kill you or your Husband. All people scares your Husband and you , you let people kidnapped, you hire People Like Abdul and the Serbien Mafia, yes who Play with People Like this, maybe they angry you to for cheating them. I know, Mr Abdul act against you with law and the court, after you cheating him too. Your Husband Clemens Bye weapon from him, i have a screenshot.
I belive u need to correct your words
It’s just ridiculous how they behave, I think everyone who reads the comments has noticed how poor they are. Honestly, I’m almost sorry for you, so much ignorance and lying for fear you could take away the stolen money and lands bought in the name Chanthy. They go over corpses to hide their husband’s cheating and 1000s of victims wish they and their husband are finally locked away by the judiciary. They are a danger and a shame for Cambodia.
Chanthy , pity that she is selling herself as a young woman from an old man who has brought so much suffering on so many people. You’re selling your soul, we’ve all seen the wedding video, how pejorative and sexist your husband talks to you. This is just incredible, he speaks next to them about other women, whistle after them, treating them like a slave, for you all this is not a problem, just for the money. You can be really sorry if greed triumphs over reason.
Mr Clemens claims that it is not true that the police and prosecutors are investigating him !!
You are welcome to contact the following gentlemen at the LKA Berlin:
Mr. Krüger +49 30 4664-9325-08
Mr. Klingbeil +49 30 4664-9325-05
File number of the prosecutor’s office Berlin
Mr. Clemens, why do not you finally share the truth with the members !! Once you claim the money is invested in large US companies whose addresses are just street names. And tell others, Joe, Alexander and Abdul stole the money secretly, what now! Abdul is imprisoned, Joe and Alexander are out of the country. What excuses come now ????? Why do you not finally provide your members with the excerpts from the whereabouts of the money, as well as the required tax documents, and the proof that you are entitled to work as an asset manager? Should I tell you that, because all this does not exist, and you have stolen the money of the investors, and always others accused of stealing the money !!! Mr. Clemens you are a big liar !!! But all the authorities have been informed, and you know that, so you did not come to the police for testimony, because you would have had to show evidence that you do not even own. In any case, I will continue to provide evidence through the authorities until you and your wife, as well as your assistant or sales director Jochen Ziehm, are finally arrested. Und in Deutsch.___________________________ Herr Clemens, warum teilen Sie den Mitgliedern nicht endlich die Wahrheit mit!! Einmal behaupten Sie das Geld ist bei Großfirmen in der USA angelegt, deren Adressen nur Straßennamen sind. Und Andermal erzählen Sie, Joe , Alexander und Abdul haben das Geld heimlich gestohlen, was jetzt nun!! Abdul ist Inhaftiert, Joe und Alexander sind ausser Landes. Was für Ausreden kommen den Jetzt????? Warum legen Sie Ihren Mitgliedern nicht endlich die Auszüge vom Verbleib des Geldes nach, sowie auch die geforderten Steuerbelege, und der Nachweis das Sie berechtigt sind als Vermögensverwalter zu Arbeiten ??? Soll ich Ihnen das sagen , weil es das alles nicht gibt , und Sie das Geld der Anleger gestohlen haben, und immer andere Beschuldigen das Geld gestohlen zu haben!!! Herr Clemens Sie sind ein großer Lügner!!! Aber alle Behörden wurden darüber Informiert, und das wissen Sie , deshalb sind Sie auch nicht zur Aussage bei der Polizei erschienen, denn dort hätten Sie ja Belege vorweisen müssen , die Sie ja überhaupt nicht besitzen. Ich werde auf alle Fälle über die Behörden so lange weiter Beweise liefern bis Sie endlich und Ihre Frau , so wie Ihre Mithelfer, bzw. Vertriebschef Jochen Ziehm verhaftet sind.
I can provide Thecdocuments proving the truth of what you say, its true. Putting me in jail will not stop me from saying the truth. Above all i have my honor.
Mr. Clemens. Am not done with you yet and you will face the poor peaple you have so long cheated.
Abdul Sutteri
Herr. Clemens behauptet es sei nicht wahr daß Polizei und Staatsanwaltschaft gegen ihn ermitteln!!
Sie können gerne folgende Herren beim LKA Berlin kontaktieren:
Herr Krüger 030/4664-9325-08
Herr Klingbeil 030/4664-9325-05
Aktenzeichen der Staatsanwaltschaft Berlin
Mr. Clemens is a cheat like I have long seen. Lies about lies and murder orders I hope you and those who still support him will soon be in jail and never come out again.
Abdul. You have no honor. Yes you are an illigent and sometimes generous guy but you are also a scammer and a fake tough guy. Are you out of jail yet? I have a job for you
Abdul Us’Sutteri is many things, one thing he isn’t however, is a “fake tough guy”.
He grew up fighting (physically) his entire life and wherever he was in the world controlled any neighborhood such that it suffices to say you had relations to him to clear the street. I once heard from his brother who said he once turned a corner on a street and found him (Abdul) fighting 8 other people wearing his steel toes, he must have been about 17, 18 at the time. One thing he is not is a fake tough guy, he’s the real deal.