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Phnom Penh Station to Get a New US Makeover


Phnom Penh : An exciting project to redevelop Phnom Penh Railway Station was officially announced today by a group of US investors, who plan to transform the station into a Royal Train Business Tower Square, not only for those traveling by train .

Royal Train Square building will become an attractive new development in Phnom Penh, to welcome travelers using the train and a new meeting place in emerging business areas.

The building will have 3,000 square meters for commercial construction , including shopping mall, cafes , restaurants, banks , ATM , and a place to rent an office and events.

Mr. Scott Bolls, spokesman for the project project which is funded by ventures from the US and partners from Europe , said: ‘ This train station is a well-known heritage building in Phnom Penh, but currently few people use the building. With the development of the Royal Train Square, we will give people a new place to meet for dinner and relax with a beautiful surroundings, along with cafés, restaurants and more . ” 

The Phnom Penh Railway Station was built by the French colonial authorities in 1932, and the recently completed rail line runs to Battambang.

According to Chief of Royal Railways, Mr. John Guiry , the railway station was renovated in 2012, and in the last five years, the Royal Railways under the control of Royal Railways has re-operated to Kampot, Sihanoukville, Pursat and Poipet, as well as a regular delivery service to Phnom Penh International Airport.

Bolls said: ‘ Amid a growing regional economy…. it’s the right time to bring the train station to the 21st century as a destination for the residents of Phnom Penh and tourists…. It will be merged perfectly with the surrounding shops, especially the beautiful square in front of the station, and we believe it will be one of the most popular places, ”

The $ 5 million redevelopment project will begin within the next three to four months, while many companies will apply to get the right to do business inside.

The project follows carefully the Ministry of Public Works and Transport ‘s long-term plans to transform the shape of Cambodia’s entire railway station and to provide alternative services for the purpose of making rail travel a unique choice.

Simon Griffiths , Managing Director at Urban Asset Solutions , which will be responsible for marketing the project to the major rental companies has confirmed that there is much potential in giving visitors to the city a modern look at an historical building.

One thought on “Phnom Penh Station to Get a New US Makeover

  1. They need to improve on the train service if they want more customers. When you leave Phnom Penh you never know when you will arrive at your destination. Also Motos, cars not allowed.

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