Phnom Penh: Ms. Yin Mana was released on May 27, 2019, according to a senior official at the Phnom Penh Court of First Instance, who confirmed this to the media on May 28 earlier.
The teenager who was driving the Range Rover driver which killed promising student Dum Rida, was sentenced to one year in prison but served only two months with the other ten months on license.
On May 17, 2019, Yen Manna was sentenced to one year in prison, but the sentence was commmuted only two months. The verdict was announced by Ouk Sovannarith, the chairman of the Trial Chamber and Ms. So Vanny, a prosecutor.
On the afternoon of March 26, 2019, Yin Manana drove the Range Rover at high speeds, hitting Dum Rita Student on Street 317 near to Street 528 in Boeung Kok I commune, Toul Kork district. The victim, on a motorcycle, was killed instantly.