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Wife Commits Suicide With Husband’s Gun


Kandal: Police in Lvea Em district said that a suicide was carried out on May 20, 2019 at 4:30 pm in Kompong Tonlean, in Kandal province’s Lvea Em district.

Police in Lvea Em district said that the victim, Nop Vanny, 34, a Cambodian national, lived in the area with her husband, Ouk Chaima, male, 43 years old, who is a police offer with the Ministry of Immigration.

A pistol and 12 bullets were recovered from the scene.

Police confirmed that the victim had been bathing in the Mekong River,her husband Ouk Chau and three children, a girl aged 13, another aged 9 and their 7 year old son, along with other children from the family.

While the group were swimming, the woman went to the car, where she shot herself i the head and was discovered by her husband. Police were immediately called.

Reports say the woman had an unspecified chronic disease and had previously made attempts to take her own life.

Police confirmed the death was suicide and handed the body over to the family for traditional funeral ceremonies.

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