Landowner Tells CMAC To Leave Bomb Alone

Phnom Penh: During a CMAC mission to neutralize an MK82 bomb discovered in a pond, the landowner came out and tried to get the disposal squad and police to leave the 500lb unexploded device where it was.

Heng Ratana, director general of the Cambodian Mine Action Center (CMAC) on May 9, 2019, said on his Facebook page that the bomb, which was dropped almost 50 years ago, was found buried in the pond in a location undergoing a land title dispute.

Police officials had to explain that land conflicts can be resolved, but UXOs were a matter of security and public safety.

He added that this is also one of the small examples that the police force and civilian forces have to contend with when serving the people by removing landmines and explosive remnants of war.

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