Oddar Meanchey: People are asking police to investigate the masterminds behind operations that send Cambodians to log in Thai territory as arrests and deaths continue along the border.
A report from the authorities said that four Cambodians had spotted by Thai Soldiers at 4:30 pm on Sunday, 6 May 2019.
Soy Sopheak, 14, living in Chamkar Chek Village, Oddar Meanchey Province was arrested. People are continuing illegally cross the border to log every day in Thai territory.
On April 24, 2019, Thais shot and killed one Khmer man and injured another, while a man thought to have also believed to have been killed crossing the border was found on April 20.
Citizens call on police to find masons and merchants who send Cambodians to log in Thailand to be punished, as Cambodian people continue to suffer.