Svay Rieng: At 12:10 am, April 3, 2019, a private unlicensed doctor gave an injection to a man causing him to die in Kampong Rou District, Svay Rieng Province.
The victim was named Bun Mab, a male 45-year-old local.
Police said that the victim had complained of a painful throat. Two days ago, 63-year-old Prey Sek who works as a private doctor without a diploma, treated him with an injection.
Afterwards, the victims had a seizure and died.
After the incident, the above-mentioned doctor was arrested and sent to the Svay Rieng police for legal action.
According to people in the district, he has no medical knowledge but has been giving such injections since the time of Pol Pot up until now.
Authorities have previously asked him to stop, but has always comtinued.
The source added that he treats animals like cows and also humans, but only uses his services when requested by local people.
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