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Human Trafficker Appeals Sentence


Phnom Penh: A woman involved in trafficking rural Cambodian women has been given a second trial after a first conviction sentenced her to eight years in prison.

The convicted person, Oum Rindin, known as Jolie, Masami, or Mam, aged 26, from Russey Keo Commune, Phnom Penh, was arrested by police on Sept. 1, 2017 in Phnom Penh.

According to the police report, the woman has acted tricked 16 women in Kampong Cham, 6 from Kampong Thom and 2 in Kompong Chhnang to become domestic servants in Malaysia with a salary of $ 300 to $ 400 per month, and expenses paid.

Believing the woman’s sales spiel, all victims agreed and were taken to Malaysia from 2014 through Thailand and into Malaysia.

When arriving in Malaysia, the perpetrator took 6,000 ringgit (about $ 1,500) each, and the women began working 18 hours a day with no rest day.

The source said that the Cambodian authorities cooperated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation to rescue and return to the victim’s to Cambodia.

On Aug. 31, 2017, the police department of the Anti-Human Trafficking and Juvenile Protection Department arrested the woman for questioning. During the trial, the defendants denied the victims’ claims and the court’s accusation and claimed the responsibility went to another partner, Van Theary.

After being sentenced to 8 years, she lodged an appeal. The judgment is scheduled to take place on April 24, 2019.

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