Kampong Cham: A man suspected of killing a woman and her granddaughter and then decapitating both of them, was arrested on the afternoon of April 6, 2019, in Trapeang Bong village, Tapong commune, Prey Chhor district. Kampong Cham province.
Heng Vuthy, Deputy Commissioner for Criminal Police, confirmed that Mr. Sim Keng, 55, was arrested in connection with the horrific case.
Some reports say the man has confessed and told police that an earlier disagreement with the family was the motive. However sources at CPU say that this is incorrect, and the investigation is continuing.

Kampong Cham: A horrifying double murders occurred in Prey Chhor district. Initial reports say that a grandmother, and her granddaughter were decapitated, and their heads left behind 350 meters away.
The incident occurred on the night of April 2, 2019, in Tuol Thmor village, Thma Puon commune, Prey Chhor district, Kampong Cham province.
According to authorities, the victims were named Pou Oun, 65 and Keng Savoeun, a 6-year-old girl, who lived in Tuol Thma village, Thma Puon district. Prey Chhor Kompong Cham.
Immediately after receiving notification, HE Kuch Chamroeun, governor of Kampong Cham province, advised the police force to conduct a search and arrest those responsible. Bayon TV
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