Prey Veng A man was killed and another wounded after the police fired several shots. The incident took place at Kouk Sandaak village, Rokak Chey district, Bar Phnom district, Prey Veng province at 23:00 on the 23rd of March In 2019.
The dead victim was named as Vuth, male and one other, Van Khemrin, a 27-year-old male from Chheu Kork village, Chrokkach district, Baphnom district, Prey Veng province was injured and arrested.
Van’s mother, Van Kramrin, told reporters that her son was not a thief, and neither was the deceased. According to the source, before the incident, the dead victims purchased a Toyota car.
After paying $ 3,000, there was also a dispute with the original owner, Phan Sothy, who reported the car as stolen.
Police spotted the vehicle on National Highway 1, and for reasons not yet clear, one officer, reportedly the son of an Oknha, fired several shots into the vehicle.
Chhouk Kimsan, commander of the Royal Gendarmerie of the Prey Veng province, said on the morning of March 24, 2019 that his forces were not involved.
Prum Sothor, the Prey Veng police chief could not be reached for comment.

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