Kampong Thom: Forestry protection officer Chak Socheat, 30, was injured by a suspect when patrolling a conservation area on March 19, 2019, according to Neth Pheaktra, Secretary of State and Minister of Environment
A five man ranger unit was on a patrol in O’Rekong, Kampong Thom province when they came across two suspects.
The ranger was chasing the perpetrators when he tripped and wasset upon by the two men, causing head injuries. As the four other members of the team came to assist, the attackers fled.
The officer was sent to Calmette Hospital in Phnom Penh. Authorities are now investigating and promise to bring the suspects to justice.
This is the second such incident in the last two months. At the end of January 2019, park official Cheng Chanthy was shot in Sre Pok Wildlife Sanctuary in the province. Mondulkiri.
The Ministry of Environment currently has 1,221 officials who are protecting and conserving protected areas and biodiversity conservation corridors with an area of about 7.5 million hectares. http://www.phnompenhreporter.com/article/67093