Electricity Cuts Due to Drought and Over-Demand

A series of rotational power outages have affected much of the country since March 14.

Low water levels in Koh Kong have seen a reduction in output from two hydroelectric power plants.

Notices for Preah Sihanouk, Kampong Spue, Takeo and Kandal (including Phnom Penh) have also been issued. Other areas such as Kampong Cham and Battambang also report of blackouts.

Due to over demand and strains on the supply, areas are expected to have rotating power outages for up to 6 hours at a time.

Whether this is a temporary measure, or one likely to continue remains to be seen.

But… a comment from DG on CNE Facebook page reads thus:

“I’m informed by my landlord’s daughter (all of about 12 years old, speaks perfect English bless her) that she’s spoken with EDC and they plan to have rolling power cuts around the city for the next 3 months, in 5 hour or less blocks of time, e.g. 7am-12noon, 12noon-5pm, 5pm-11pm, due to drought conditions affecting the hydroelectric power generation. They’ll flick the power back after less than 5 hours on when they feel they have the capacity.”

He then added

” Often a 12 year old kid is better at extracting information from the authorities than any journalist ever could be…lol ” the sarky get.

One thought on “Electricity Cuts Due to Drought and Over-Demand

  • March 16, 2019 at 1:50 pm

    Over demand? Don’t you mean under production?


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