Oddar Meanchey: According to Heng Ratana, Director of CMAC, two men working as untrained private de-miners were killed after the anti-tank mine they were working on exploded. He wrote:
“Today, 14 March 2019 at Trapeng Prasath District, Oddor Meanchey Province, there was an incident after an anti tank landmine killed two untrained deminers!
CMAC wishes to express sympathy and sadness for this incident and at the same time, we wish to express our great concerns over untrained people conducting demining activities for their private business!
As we understand that this behavior does not just affected only untrained deminers but it also affects the land users! Thus, the law enforcement is very important to ensure that the safety of people! “
The two victims were later identified as Hok Rachana, an 18-year-old man and Mao Mittapheap male, 22 years old. Another man, Teb Bunthim, a 49-year-old escaped without injury.