Takeo: A murder manhunt ended on March 5, 2019, with the arrest of the prime suspect in Chbar Mon City, Kampong Speu province.
The suspect is Sok Channda, a 31-year-old male from Tropaing Ang Village, Rokarov Commune, Daun Keo District, Takeo Province.
The victim named Yin Srey Da Srey, 21, Kantot village, Srai commune, Traing district, Takeo province, who was found dead in Pa Ei Mak Ei Guesthouse, Daun Keo city, Takeo province on March 4.
Jealousy appears to have been the motive behind the killing.
A case is now being prepared for court. https://postnews.com.kh/local/418840