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Respect Land Laws as Kampot Prepares for Big Buildings


Kampot: The influx of multinational investors this year will make the province grow sharply from 2020. The outstanding achievements will be big building projects, because they are essential for the whole process.

At the ceremony of the Annual General Assembly and the direction of implementation of the provincial administration on the morning of March 5, 2019, the governor of Kampot province, said that there are diverse investors such as Korean, Chinese, Japanese and Thais who have come to the discussion to embark on business and participate in development.

It is expected from the year 2020, the situation in Kampot will change drastically, with large-scale buildings, the need for which will gradually emerge in various sectors.

The governor said that the construction of apartment buildings is currently active, especially in Kampot city. With these projects, there can be anarchism, with some buildings violating the state laws and state land. Relevant officials and authorities should take measures to prevent land-grabbing.

He said that through this conference, all members have to raise issues related to land laws to implement and respect all laws.

Unless they are taken into account, the abuse of state public property will continue, as it has been in the past. The provincial administration must pay attention to these cases in order to preserve what is state-owned for purpose of the public interest. CAMPOST

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