Koh Kong: at about 6 am on 04 March 2019, a Chinese man lying dead in the woods in Pak Khlong, Mondul Seima District.
The victim, ZHENG HAIJIA, a 26-year-old male, was an accounting staff member of Lida Company/LYP Group Co., Ltd.
According to the police report, the victim was murdered after being beaten with a blunt object.
A team of police specialists are conducting further research into the case. https://postnews.com.kh/local/418652
A later police report says the man died at Preah Ang Kranh village, In the morning, March 5, 2019, Mondul Seima district, Koh Kong province. The dead man came to Cambodia on February 1, 2019 at Phnom Penh International Airports and lived in accommodation from his employers.
Police believe that the man was murdered somewhere else and dumped in the location. He had been dead for at least 24 hours before being found.
His body is being kept in Stung Meanchey pagoda, Phnom Penh.

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