Motorcyclist Hit by Train

Purstat: A man was seriously injured after being hit by a train as he was riding a motorbike on the railroad in Pursat province.

Som Chantith, 32, a male living in Chamkar Chek Village, north of Phum Prey, Pursat city, Pursat province, was seriously injured.

The accident happened at 16:50 on February 28, 2019 at Svay Tap Village, Svay Ath Commune, Pursat City, Pursat Province.

A witness in the scene said that a train coming from the west to Phnom Penh hit the man riding a Honda 125 crossing the tracks. The injured man was taken to hospital in Pursat, while the train continued towards its destination.

One thought on “Motorcyclist Hit by Train

  • March 1, 2019 at 3:59 pm

    Locals said the man cried “Choo Choo!” #KhmenglishGag 😉


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