Korean Suicide in Poipet
Poipet: A Korean man hanged himself, leaving a letter, apologizing to his mother and son.
The discovery of the dead man’s body was made on February 26, 2019 in Poipet town. The victim’s name has been given only as Im, a 60-year-old South Korean who rented the house with his wife, Sok Koeun.
Before the incident, the man and a friend returned from a casino in the morning, and went to sleep.
At 12 noon, the was a problem with the water. Checking the water problem, the friend saw the victim hanging and screamed for neighbours to help.
The forensic technical police said that the man had committed suicide and there were no scars on the body. The body was taken to Baliyi Pagoda so that the diplomats could arrange for relatives to come.
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