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Prey Sar Salon Training


Phnom Penh: A recent programme for women incarcerated in Prey Sar prison has been well received.

The 2011 prison law in article 67 states: Provide access to general education programs and professional training in prison. Education programs and vocational training programs in prisons are integrated with the national vocational education and training system . 

General Chum Kimseng, Director-General of Prison Department, on February 19, 2019 said “All the prisons have created skills to provide the prisoners with knowledge while they are being punished and regularly educated by the trainers and the prison administrators, through the organizations. Many skills are taught, such as salon. On the men’s side, they learn technical skills such as: repairing, cooling, refrigeration, power supply, motor repair, farming methods, animal husbandry, etc. With the NGO partnership, the Cambodian Red Cross has contributed greatly to this work. So, men who are skilled in this skill can create a decent job in society after finishing their prison term. ” Khmer Top News

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