Korean Cassava Company Blamed for Fish Deaths

Kratie: A Korean company producing cassava starch has been accused of polluting the environment by draining waste into local waterways.

People living in Kratie said that many fish have died in the rivers due to pollution from Korean-owned Sing Song Company, and the situation has worsened over the past few days.

People are worried about their health, as well as their livestock, which are now dependent on water from the lakes, canals and streams. They have called for the authorities to take urgent measures and restore the situation.

The mill has been experiencing technical problems for several months, and authorities ordered action to suspend the recycled waste system.

Toxic fish have now been found dead in the waters of Prek Ou lake, which people say never happened before. Meanwhile, officials have also visited and banned people from eating these poisonous fish.

Kratie deputy governor Seng Pina, who visited the site of the poisoning said authorities would test the water to find out why the dead fish were occurring.


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