Beemer Loses Bumper

Phnom Penh: A man riding a motorbike fast and with a lack of caution hit a BMW, causing damage and giving himself minor injuries.

The incident happened at 11:30 pm on January 29, 2019, in Sras Chork commune, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh.

After the incident, the local authorities came to the scene, and found the car owner demanding $ 3,000 for repairs. The motorcyclists could only muster together $700 dollars, which was eventually accepted by the BMW driver and the matter was resolved.


One thought on “Beemer Loses Bumper

  • January 30, 2019 at 9:49 pm

    Fantastic news website, part of my daily net diet. However, title is incorrect as the vehicle is known as a Bimmer. Beemer is used for the BMW motorcycle.


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