Cambodian armed forces sent the third largest ASEAN contingent of troops for UN peacekeeping missions, according to official website of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP Cambodia) published on January 10, 2019 .

The United Nations Development Program has confirmed that since 2006, Cambodia has dispatched 5,583 peacekeeping forces, including 277 women.
Cambodian personnel are currently, in 5 countries; Sudan, South Sudan, Central African Republic, Mali and Lebanon, with about 1,000 peacekeeping forces on active duty.
By the end of this month, Cambodia will send 184 additional peacekeepers, including 13 women, to Lebanon.
In a meeting with engineering forces on January 9, 2019 at the Training School for Multi-National Peacekeeping Forces in Kampong Speu, Colonel Pol Saroeun, Senior Minister in Charge of Forces to Return to the United Nations Mission, said this is the 9th Cambodia mission to Lebanon, to help peace for the people and the country.
He said that Cambodia’s blue helmet force will carry out the mission to replace the old force, which will have completed a one-year tour this month.

General Seam Sovanny, vice chairman of the National Committee and Director General of the National Center for Peacekeeping, said that the 184 who are going to Lebanon will also be accompanied by a demining force, which has been trained in the field to UN standards.
These forces come from direct force agencies, defense ministries, naval forces, national commanders, navy commanders, navy commanders, anti-terrorist commanders, and some other military institutions.
He said that the force currently carrying out UN missions in Lebanon has both engineering and demining forces, operating every day on the frontier between Israel and Lebanon.
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