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Miscommunication Leaves Corpse Left in Pagoda Car Park


Phnom Penh: A car parked in the southern part of the Stung Meanchey Pagoda, shocked people when it transpired there was a dead body inside.

The reason the hearse was left with the corpse indide was due to confusion between the driver and the chief monk because the ice wagon arrived late at night, and the monk was asleep.

After arriving at the wat and failing to rouse anybody, the driver locked up the vehicle with the body inside and went off to sleep until 8 am on the morning of January 7, 2019.

Police forces turned up at the scene, after reports a body had been left in the car. Soon after the driver turned up again to explain the situation.

The driver said that the body in his car was the victim of a traffic accident at 1:30 am on January 7, 2019 in Chbar Ampov District.

After being taken to the hospital and pronounced dead, the body was cleared by the police and handed over to the company which transports corpses.

When arriving at the pagoda, the driver couldn’t get through to the sleeping monk, so locked up and went off.

After the situation was clarified, the body was allowed in and Traffic Police, continue their search to find relatives.

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