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Facebook Romance Leads to $3000 Robbery


Phnom Penh: A young woman who befriended a man on Facebook was robbed after agreeing to meet him in a guesthouse.

The incident occurred at 6 pm on January 1, 2019 at the Green Inn Guesthouse, Sen Sok District.

According to the 24 year old victim, she and the suspect were Facebook friends for a month. He told her he was a student at BELTEI International School.

According to the source, after agrreing to meet up in the guesthouse, the suspect pulled out a knife and threatened to kill her. He then removed her jewelry, including a diamond ring and took her iPhone 8. After dragging the girl to the bathroom and threatening her again, the man escaped.

the victim claims the stolen items amounted to around $3000

After the incident, Sen Sok district military police came to investigate and allowed the victim to file a complaint. at the Royal Military Base in Sen Sok. They are now hunting the suspect. Rasmei News

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