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One Teen Dead, One Injured in Kampot Hit and Run Away


Kampot: On December 25, 2018, a young man died on the spot, while another suffered serious injuries.

The motorbike they were on was hit by a car. After the crash the driver ran away leaving the vehicle, plated 2AJ-0729, at the scene. The incident happened in the village of Touy, south of Andong Khmou commune, Kampot town.

The dead 17 year-old youth, named Chuvovatan, lived in the village of Dam Dam, Khum Reang, Dang Tung district, Kampot province. The injured 15-year-old boy, Chan Seiha, lives in Touy South village, Andong Khmer commune, Kampot town, Kampot province.

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