Svay Rieng: According to preliminary reports, there has been a horrific murder of an elderly woman.
The crime was discovered at 10:20 am on Dec. 22, 2018 in Russey Leap Village, Sam Yong Commune, Kampong Rort District, Svay Rieng Province.
The victim was identified as 63-year-old Chap Pak, who was living in the hamlet, while the perpetrators are still at large.
According to the report, after the incident, the specialized office force cooperated with the district police to conduct a forensic examination of the bodies.
234,000 riel, US $ 65 and 1 mobile phone were left at the scene, which suggests robbery may not have been the motive.
After the initial investigation, the professional authorities conclude that this a case of murder, although the police are working the scene for further details to determine the suspects’ for arrest and detention orders.
re working the scene for further details to determine the suspects’ for arrest and detention orders.
At 6:30 pm, police arrested Tuol Nguot, a 33-year-old male resident of the village. Borey Leap commune. He confessed to the murder and told cops he dumped the weapon (a knife) behind the house.