Phnom Penh): On December 21, 2018, police detained 10 businessmen at Tuol Pagoda for questioning for violating intellectual property rights.
The police force of the Ministry of Interior under the direct order of the Deputy Prosecutor of Phnom Penh Court of First Instance cracked down on copyright infringement of the famous LONGCHAMP brand trademark.
The businesses were selling counterfeit goods without permission of the original brand owner registered in France and in Cambodia. The raids took place in Toul Tompong Market, on Street 155.
Justice Sop Piseth, of the Grant Attorney’s Office, added that Jean Cassegrain, the owner of the LONGCHAMP brand, informed owners of all stalls to stop selling the LONGCHAMP counterfeit merchandise once before, filing a lawsuit against a fraudulent distribution of fake products by traders in Toul Tom Poung Market.
But the traders did not heed the notice until the opening of the operation.
Fake Bags were found in Toul Tung Poung Market at 9 Stalls inside and 1 outside. 664 bags were taken away.
The 10 smallholders then came to the department to sign a contract and were allowed to go free. No stalls were closed, but the bags were kept by the authorities.