Childless Couple Hold Ceremoony for Cow
Kampong Cham: According to the Facebook account of Mr. Pisey Pheak,a ceremonial tent with beautiful flowers, carpets and nice table for guests to eat has been put up in the traditional style.
However, unlike the more orthodox celebrations for birthdays, engagements or wedding, this party marquee is in honour of something a little bit more….. abstract.
Invitations for the event read “Happy Wedding Anniversary, Cow Honors, December 18, 2018, at 4pm. At the Homein Ta Meng village, Koh Roka commune, Kampong Siem district, Kampong Cham province “.
The Facebook poster claims that the event to honour a cow is true. The cow’s owners do not have any children so decided to celebrate their own wedding anniversary by incorporating the recently born calf.
Facebook users seemed to find the joke amoosing, posting comments such as “So do not need to put food, only the grass for the guests to eat.”
By all accounts the guests arrived and an udderly fantastic time eating, drinking and chewing the cud.