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Archived News

SHK Fisherman Wins 70,000,000 Carabao Prize


(Sihanoukville): 70 million Riels, the grand prize of the Carabao energy drink, has been won by a fisherman named Suon Vith, a 31-year-old , living in village 2, Stung Hav, Sihanouk Province.

Speaking to a team that awarded the home awards, he said that last week, when he returned from a fishing trip he bought from a vendor. After checking the ring-pull he found 70 million riel ($17,500) was printed on it.

At first he could not believe it and phoned the company. When it was confirmed, his family were really excited because they have never had so much money.

After receiving the prize, he will pay off his bank debt,  building a house and buy a new fishing boat to support his family in the future.

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