Siem Reap: At 10:00 AM on December 8, 2018, police of Siem Reap arrested 9 men over allegations of distributing child pornography over the internet at 3 different locations.
1 – KomSiem / Siem Reap 1 man was arrested, along with some evidence
2- A rented house in Krous Village, Sangkat Svay Dangkum, Siem Reap, where 5 people along with some evidence were detained.
3-Room 305, Grand Therapy guesthouse, Treang Village, Sangkat Slor Kram, Siem Reap City, where 3 people along with some evidence.
The 9 suspects are:
1-PAN ZHIFU Male, born 1988,
2-HUANG XINFA Male, born in 1995, Chinese, Tourist visa.
3-HUANG FULONG Male, born 1991, holds a Chinese, EB visa.
4-WEI JIBO Male, born 1996, Chinese, Tourist Visa.
5-GU SHENGFENG Male, born 1998,Chinese, Tourist Visa.
6-LI WEIMING Male, born 1993, Chinese Tourist Visa.
7-PAN XIADONG Male, born 1987, Chinese, Tourist Visa.
8-PAN ZONGJI Born 1982, Chinese, EI visa.
9-DAI GUANGQIANG Male, 1984, Chinese, EI visa.
The nine suspects have been charged by Siem Reap Provincial Court Deputy Prosecutor Chuon Sopanha for provisional detention at the Siem Reap provincial police headquarters to prepare a case.
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