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Electricity Supply to Expand, Reduced Costs by 2020


Phnom Penh: The Minister of Mines and Energy confirmed that by 2020 there will be a stable electricity supply across the whole country.

Suy Sem, Minister of Mines and Energy, said this during a working session with HE Sunniya Durrani-Jamal, Head of the Representative Office Asian Development Bank (ADB) at the Ministry of Home Affairs on November 28.

At present 86.85% of  villages in the country are connected to the grid, and 73% of residential homes. “So in the plan for 2020, we will be able to connect 100% of villages all over the country”.

“The development of the electricity sector since the end of the Khmer Rouge regime has reached  the point of generating sufficient electricity independently,” he said.

“To date, the development of the electricity sector in Cambodia has seen six hydropower plants running, coal sources, renewable energy, and small electricity generation. Cambodia has the energy supply of over than 2,000 megawatts and growing”

HE Mr. Sunniya Durrani-Jamal, ADB Country Director for Cambodia, expressed his appreciation for the development of its mission.  However, a transparent master plan is essential For Cambodia.

“At present, the technical team of ADB is discussing to assist in the preparation of this project as a driving force,” he said. “The power sector in Cambodia has made great success in meeting the demand for consumption, especially the benefits for the development of the nation. ”

In the 2015-2025 industrial development policy, the Royal Government of Cambodia has introduced electric discounts, industrial zones, training and training human resources to transform industries turning the labor force into  skilled workers that can generate and extract more value.

At the same time, the head of the Royal Government has publicly stated that by 2019, there will be further cuts to lower electricity costs to benefit citizens and Cambodian industry.

Dr. Mey Kalyan, senior adviser to the Supreme National Economic Council, said earlier that demand for electricity is growing.

“Electricity in Cambodia is still expensive compared to neighboring countries, but in development policies for 2015-2025, the Royal Government has focused on reducing electricity prices. ”

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