Preah Vihear: On November 29, 2018, at 9:39 am, the anti-drug forces of the Preah Vihear Police Commissariat cooperated with the Ministry of Interior to crack down on cases of illegal drug trafficking.
A raid was carried out on Monireth Roth Guesthouse in Kampong Srola Village, Kampong Srola Commune, Chheb District, Preah Vihear Province.
In this operation, the police removed lump of meth-amphetamine, weighing over 1 kg, and detained two suspects:
1. Khoun Manichi, male, 46, a Laos national
2. Sok Tha Vong Phero, male, 44 years old also from Laos
The case is being prepared for the Preah Vihear Provincial Court to continue the legal process.