Chinese Patrol SHK After “Random” Attacks

Chinese media are reporting “many cases” in which Chinese people were suffering unprovoked attacks  *  in Sihanoukville.

The Chinese Embassy has reminded Chinese citizens in Cambodia try to minimize unnecessary travel in the middle of the night in the city.

Random Attacks

The case of Mr. Jin, who had been attacked for no reason on the 27th of last month, told the reporter of the “Angkor Times” that he was reported to the police station after the attack and asked the Chinese Embassy for help. The Embassy also urged the local police to solve the case as soon as possible. But the case still remains open and no perpetrators have been caught.

After the incident on the 27th, several similar attacks occurred in recent days, causing many injuries. Some people were seriously injured and some cars were also damaged.

A  Chinese businessman believes that it is the police’s inaction or even partiality that has led to the intensification of the attacks, instead asking the victims to pay before they investigate.

Mr. Li described to the newspaper that he was on his way home, when he was blocked and surrounded by a group of nearly ten people riding three motorcycles. “They held the sticks and smashed the vehicles. I quickly got out and hid”

Subsequently, Mr. Li tried to call the police, but could not dial the number. He returned home and intended to call someone to handle the vehicle. When he returned to the scene, he found that the vehicle had been towed away.


Local Meetings

The Chinese Embassy reminds Chinese citizens in Cambodia: If there are similar incidents, they can promptly report to the embassy. At the same time, they remind you to minimize unnecessary travel out in the middle of the night. If you need to go out, please go with your peers, drink alcohol properly, stay on the road and be vigilant, and guard against “speeding.” Please also tell everyone in Cambodia, friends, colleagues, etc., pay attention to safety.

The attacks have upset Chinese in Sihanoukville so much, that, on the morning of November 15th, local authorities held talks with representatives of Chinese enterprises to increase mutual understanding and information exchange.

The Chinese business representatives raised some existing problems at the exchange meeting. The authorities said that listening to the opinions of the delegates can strengthen communication and friendship.

Patrolling the Square

At 7:00 pm on November 14th, more than 30 Chinese representatives discussed how to deal with the current incidents of attacks on Chinese at a restaurant.


They said: They do not want the events to expand and spread indefinitely, leading to opposing emotions, but they also need to provide Chinese with a safe investment and living environment to ensure the protection of Chinese human rights and security.


From 1 am to 3 am on November 15th, some Chinese (protection/vigilantes) have begun patrolling near the Golden Lion Square to prevent their compatriots from being attacked because of these fears.

Online Comments

Others have posted about being threatened or attacked in the city on the website.

我就这个月在白沙皇宫后面工地上班,早上吃早餐的时候,无缘无故被打了一棍,现在都还疼!已经回国了!再也不去那么辣鸡的地方了! I was working at the construction site behind golden palace hotel, and some Khmer attacked me with a stick while I was having my breakfast earlier this month! Still hurts now! Also backed to China, I will never ever go back to this shithole! ( 枫叶^O^泪滴 Fengye Leidi)

However, some comments from Chinese people on WeChat are less than sympathetic to their countrymen.

换位思考一下吧,脚踏他国地,头顶别国天,嚣张跋扈横蛮无理,只会自讨苦吃,自作自受,,请尊重当地的文化,遵守当地的法律,入乡随俗,低调做人。 On the other hand, living in a foreign country, if you being rude and disrespectful to locals, it’s never going to be a good thing… please respect local culture, obey local laws, adapt to local life and stay low-profile. ( 小斌-Ben (Xiaobin))

大家评心而论。中国哪个城市有西港这样离谱的物价与消费!都是国人自己闹的。和别人的国情和本地市场完全不附。有几个本地人能接受这样的市场泡沫。他们本地人有几个能消费的来!有房子住不起!不抱怨不仇恨还不正常了!换位思考一下。来柬埔寨投资的大佬们! To be honest, which city in China are as expensive as Sihanoukville(compared to average salary)? it’s Chinese fellows fault! How many locals can afford the price nowadays?! It would be abnormal if They don’t complain and getaway angry. Please think in other people’s shoes, Chinese investors! (Chinese steel merchant)


Source1  Source2 (Chinese Media)

*Note, it is not clear who the attackers are, but clicking back through various links, some of the examples are Chinese on Chinese violence (as was the case below, which seemed to have missed Khmer media).

Contributed by CNE China corespondent “Jane”, our Chick in China. 

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