Inspire ASEAN 18 Promotes Renewable Energy in Cambodia

Phnom Penh: An Inspire Asean conference was held in Phnom Penh to discuss the renewable energy industry in Cambodia.

Inspire Asean Project: “Future Energy” part of the  Clean Energy Week Cambodia campaign, focusing on the topic of renewable energy at various locations and institutions in Phnom Penh.

10 interesting presentations from experts in many areas of the renewable energy industry highlighted many opportunities, both in direct and indirect industries.

Tassilo Brinzer, CEO of Globe Media Asia, expressed optimism about renewable energy prospects in Cambodia, saying: “This is the first time in Cambodia that this topic has been made public by organizing the event. With the conference on the Inspire Asean project, we have high ambitions to promote clean energy use and accelerate energy growth in Cambodia. The endorsement and strong support for renewable energy will spur economic growth and accelerate the whole industry in the Cambodian economy. We hope we can inspire more people to focus on this area.

 The energy industry is changing rapidly to meet the needs and expectations of consumers all over the world”.

The Inspire ASEAN 18 hopes to promote start-up companies and existing businesses in the field of renewable energy, especially wind and solar.

Rasmei News

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