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Trio of Teenage Tree Cutters Returned From Thai Jail


Oddar Meanchey: Thai authorities sent 3 Cambodians home after they were released from prison after the trio were caught having illegally crossed the border into  Thai territory.

They were handed over at at 13:20 on October 30, 2018 through crossing point of Boeng Srang in Anlong Veng District, Oddar Meanchey Province.

They three were named as 15-year-old Phra Watt,  Sakho, a 16-year-old and Chey, a 15-year-old. All are from Oddar Meanchey.

Police said the three were arrested on August 14, 2018 for illegal logging of rosewood trees in Thai territory before being imprisoned in the provincial capital of Ubon Ratchathani.

After receiving them from the Thais, the Cambodian side educated and contracted them to stop illegal activities before the were reunited with their families.

Rasmei News

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