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Archived News

Beware of Scamming Arabs


(Svay Rieng) According to a report from Fresh News, on October 24, 2018, at 11:00 am,  a suspicious incident happened at a home in Leap village, Khum Ekkhearay, Svay Teap district, Svay Rieng province. A group of foreigners entered a home with a sob story.

A Lexus RX300 with a number plate, Phnom Penh, 2AO-4521, stopped at several homes. The people inside spoke English, and said they were Arabs who were travelling from Bavet and had lost their bags (ATM, Passport, Smartphone, Money, …).

They said they had friends in Kompong Cham and Phnom Penh, but had no way to contact them, so asked for a loan, or a meal.

In Svay Rieng province on October 23, 2018, at a guesthouse, the Saudi Arabian-style man went to the owner  with the same story. Th e owner threatened to call the cops and the Arab escapedescaped.

People have said that there have been similar reports from Phnom Penh and other provinces, so please be careful if come across these people, and report to the authorities immediately. 


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