Phnom Penh: A Thai man man working in a restaurant in Tonle Bassac 2 was seriously injured at 03:00 AM, on October 24, 2018, on Street 7, Toul Roka Village, Sangkat Chak Angrei, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh.
The victim had stopped in front of a house to wait for someone, and was smoking a cigarette whenthe suspect approached him asking for a cigarette. The attacker then pulled out a cleaver, struck at the victim and stole his Honda Scoopy.
The suspect was named as Bin Virak, male, 16 years old, a Khmer national.
The victim, Phang Thai Songbang, male, 51, a Thai national working as a restaurant manager, Tonle Bassac II, suffered cuts to his head and left arm, and is being treated in Calmette Hospital.
At 9am, on October 24, 2018, the family of the victim filed a complaint at the Chak Angre Police Station.
After receiving a complaint, the police force searched for the suspect until at 1:40 pm the same day. He was arrested in Svay Village,, Kandal province, and taken for questioning back in Phnom Penh.
The police also seized evidence, including the knife, but the Scoopy “1CO-1055” is still missing.
In this case, suspect Bin Virak was sent to the Meanchey Police Inspectorate to proceed with a case file.