Cops Shots Cause Panic

PHNOM PENH: Police moved in on a drug dealer at around 9 pm on October 16, 2018 at the Preak Ta Peov point (in front of the mosque), Prek Rak Khan Chab Ampov Phnom Penh. Gunshots were fired during the raid, which shocked the people and caused some Khmer Muslims to faint in panic. There were two unconscious villagers.

 Prek Pra police chief said that the police forces of the Chbar Ampov District Police were following a Vietnamese woman, who came to the village.

Police, with helmets covering faces, stormed in to arrest the Vietnamese, chasing after her and a young man. They managed to put handcuffs on him, when the people nearby saw and shouted loudly, waking up a whole village. People came out and blocked the cops.

To disperse the crowd, 2 cops shot 3 bullets, and when the crowd didn’t leave, the police continued to fire up three more.

The police then pulled out of the scene, leaving a girl and an old man Cambodians unconscious, after they fainted in panic.

The police force of Khan Chbar Ampov and Prek Pra Post are making inquiries, and the two villagers were taken to hospital.

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