Preah Sihanouk Province: A preliminary report states that at 3 pm on September 23, 2018, a Chinese gambler was illegally detained for more than two hours.
The incident took place in Room 109, on the second floor of Pavoutu Casino, Village 3, Sangkat 2, Sihanoukville.
After the police received a verbal report (from the victims girlfriend), police launched an operation to rescue the victim and arrest two suspects.
Two suspects arrested are Liang Wei male 33 years old and LIU YING XIAO, 37, both Chniese nationals.
The victim was named as Liu FENG, a 42-year-old Chinese national.
According to the victim, he went to gambling at Vangcheao Casino and lost his money, so borrowed from $3,000 suspects to continue betting.
After losing this money too, he was taken to Room 109 and made to contact friends and family to pay his debts before he could leave.
After hearing that the victim was subjected to extortion, the victim’s girlfriend filed a lawsuit.
Currently, the police are building a case to send suspects to the provincial court.
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