Siem Reap: A disseminating Meeting was held on the Ordering, Installation, Branding and Advertising Banners of Siem Reap, in the Provincial Hall on September 7, 2018, under the guidance of the Deputy Governor.
He told representatives from the tourist and business community that all signage, in any shape or form used to promote a business must have a correct legal permit.
In addition, the installation of any brand or billboards of any kind written in purely foreign language without Khmer script is prohibited. Such lettering leads to the loss of aesthetics, public order, and cultural and literary identity of Khmer culture.
Every business must now:
1. Submit a completed application form for the permit with the provincial administration.
2- Write the Khmer text bigger than the foreign letters on any advertising, above the foreign words.
3. The business owner should properly display license.
4. The business owner shall cooperate and report to the police immediately in case of suspicion or infringement of drug laws.