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Archived News

Foreign Drug Dealers Busted


Detained- three Chinese nationals and a large amount of narcotics seized

Sihanoukville: On August 27, 2018, at 15:20 local time, two Chinese nationals were arrested.
1, YANG REN CHEN, a 32-year-old Chinese resident, working at White Sand Hotel
2. JIANG LIU YAN, 26, Chinese national, a tourist.

43 suspicious white powder packs (1 packet and 42 small packages), 14 red-colored tubes, 1 phone and 1 LEXUS 330 branded car were seized.

On the same day, at 3 pm, police arrested another Chinese national, named CUI YAN FEI, a 33-year-old man, In his car police found drugs, weighing scales and small bags.

All three Chinese nationals have been charged and will be off to court to proceed with the the law.

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